Monday, October 15, 2012

Global Profile Programme 5 - 18 October 2012

 5thOct : Friday

Fetch at airport.Transport to Betania- Dudus home.
Early to bed
6 Oct  : Sat

Nyandezulu Water fall  ( Dudu will arrange transport to MPCC),
Back to accommodation
7th Sun

Free Programme
Leave for Gamalakhe
Gamalakhe Time travel
8th Mon

Depart to Nobamba School
Host families in Bhobhoyi
9th Tues

Nobamba School
10th Wed

Nobamba School
Depart to Gamalakhe meet host families
11 Thurs

7h00am – 2pm
Olwandle School
Workshop on Migration- participation of all 4 schools and educators involved in the programme
12 Fri
Olwandle School
13 Sat

Depart to Port Shepstone
Radio Sunny South
14 Sun
Entire day
 Shelly Beach 11am

15 Mon

Ingwemabala School
Depart to Masec
16 Tues

Ommesh Maharaj from Department of Education
17 Wed

18 Thurs

Departure to airport

Time Travel- October 2012 Programme

South Africa 1 October-4 November
1 October
Annette Kronlund, Helen Eklund, Emma Angelin-Holmén and Ebbe Westergren, Kalmar läns museum leave from Sweden

2 October
Arrival in Durban and Port Shepstone
Planning meeting with the Gamalakhe Time Travel Committee, 12 persons

3 October
Planning meeting with the Umzumbe Time Travel Committee and Umzumbe municipality, 23 persons
Visiting the Time Travel site
Preparations for the Umzumbe Time Travels, including shopping for some ingredients and  props

4 October
Time Travel to 1828 at the Isivivane uShaka in Mtwalume, Umzumbe. Organized by Umzumbe Time Travel Committee, Umzumbe municipality, Kalmar läns museum and Port Shepstone Twinning Association with support from KZN Museum Service and others. 150 people, mainly from the surroundings, 10-15 learners

5 October
Big public Time Travel to 1828 at the Isivivane uShaka in Mtwalume, Umzumbe. Organized by Umzumbe Time Travel Committee, Umzumbe municipality, Port Shepstone museum, Kalmar läns museum and Port Shepstone Twinning Association with support from KZN Museum Service and others. 500 persons! Mainly people from the surroundings and also officials and politicians from the municipality.

After the Time Travel a function at the site about the Time Travel event with speeches by the Umzumbe Time Travel Committee, the Mayor, ward councilor, KZN Museum Service, Kalmar läns museum 
Visit by Mikael Leyi, Olof Palme International Center.

6 October
Gulshera and Ebbe present the Time Travel concept for 30 minutes at Radio Sunny South
Meeting with Trinity Tshievhe, KZN Museum Service to prepare for the training course the following week and the Time Travel in the Old Prison in Pietermaritzburg
Preparations for the Gamalakhe Time Travel, sorting out and buying some props
Make contact with people in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, North West and Western Cape as a preparation for the program in those provinces
Meeting with the Global Profile group from Kalmar at Dudu’s B&B in Nyandezulu

7 October
Am. Evaluation and planning meeting in Port Shepstone with the Umzumbe Time Travel Committee, 12 persons
Pm. Public Time Travel to 1968 in Tin Town, Gamalakhe, c. 100 persons including people from Gamalakhe, Port Shepstone, Umzumbe and Sweden
Visit by Mikael Leyi, Palme Center

8 October
Moving to Pietermaritzburg
Meeting with the Time Travel Committee in Pietermaritzburg with representatives from KZN Museum Service, Natal museum, Voortrekker museum and Project Gateway at the Old Prison, 13 persons
Preparations for the Time Travel the following day: props, characters, scenario etc

9-10 October
Two-day training course in the Time Travel concept at the Old Prison in Pietermaritzburg, the third and last of three sessions. 42 persons participated both days: from the six Time Travel groups in KZN (Eshowe, Pietermaritzburg, Umzumbe, Port Shepstone, Gamalakhe and Nyandezulu), from KZN Museum Service, Department of Arts and Culture, Port Shepstone museum, Port Shepstone Twinning Association, Project Gateway, Msunduzi/ Voortrekker museum, Zululand Historical Museum, Natal Museum, Comrades Museum, Mphophomeni museum, Department of Education/ Curriculum Advisors. Organizers: KZN Museum Service and Kalmar läns museum/ Bridging Ages.

9 October
Training course: Time Travel to 1910 at the Old Prison in Pietermaritzburg, 80 persons including all the people on the course, extra persons from Pietermaritzburg institutions, project Gateway and 15 learners grade 7, Gateway Christian School
Reflection on the Time Travel
Reports from the Pietermartizburg and the Port Shepstone groups

10 October
Training course: Reports from the Gamalakhe, Nyandezulu, Umzumbe and Eshowe groups. Short presentations from Department of Education and Project Gateway. Short presentations from KLM. Discussions on the way forward
Distribution of Certificates for the training course
Board meeting Bridging Ages KZN: Judy, Sipho, Zameka, Mti, Thuli, Shinga, Trinity, Gulshera, Mdu and Ebbe

11 October
Meeting at Msunduzi/ Voortrekker museum with Phumela, HoD, Raana and Kaya, educational officers. Discussing developing Time Travels by the museum
Meeting with Gulshera in Durban
Annette and Emma leave for Sweden, Helen and Ebbe for Johannesburg

·           The Time Travel concept has taken another step forward in KZN
·           Very strong support for the Time Travel concept from KZN Museum Service and all involved stakeholders
·           Very successful public Time Travels at the Isivivane uShaka. The second day was the biggest Time Travel ever in South Africa
·           Very engaging public Time Travel in Gamalakhe, intensive involvement, discussions and singing
·           Very emotional Time Travel at the Old Prison, PMB. A prison with its cells is a strong Time Travel site
·           Positive training course, 22 persons finished the whole course and got a certificate, another 20 participated both days in the last session
·           Umzumbe Time Travel and Tourism has formed a legal cooperative identity. They have lots of ambitions for the future
·           Creative discussions at Natal museum
·           Gulshera and the Twinning is a strong and active network
·           Bridging Ages KZN has taken off again

Way forward
·           The Umzumbe Time Travel and Tourism wants to continue with the public Time Travel event at Isivivane uShaka in Mtwalume and make it into an annual event, preferably in heritage month, September
·           They say that a Time Travel event is another approach than community events organized by the municipality or politicians. In Time Travels the community takes ownership, a “bottom-up” approach in the organization and development of the event
·           The group has several ideas how to develop and improve the Isivivane event
·           Invite other groups and tribal authorities
·           Howard suggested a two-days preparation workshop before the event; day one about the facts and scenario, day two, develop characters
·           20 March will be celebrated at the Court Martial site in Mthwalume as a human rights in Ugu District. They want to develop this into a Time Travel event and make it annual
·           The group wants to develop more sites; Mtwalume mission 1853, the Nazareth movement and Shaka rock was mentioned
·           They will continue with the celebrations at Eastern at Sipofu mountain (started this year). This is a traditional Zulu feast for two days, with erecting a kraal, sacrifices etc
·           Discussed making an agreement with the municipality on certain  programs for next year and get support for the events, including salary for a coordinator and even an office
·           Discussed registration of new heritage sites
·           Discussed Time Travel and tourism; package programs, bus tours to the events, heritage route etc.
·           Discussed Time Travel and schools. They want a joint workshop with teachers and educators in March
·           Discussed gender equality in the Time Travel group
·           The Umzumbe Time Travel and Tourism group asked for support from Kalmar läns museum/ Bridging Ages next year in organizing the Time Travel event at the Court Martial 20 March plus a one-day teacher workshop on Time Travels

·           Will continue with Time Travels at Fort Nongqayi 1906 and KwaMondi Mission 1876, grade 10. Workshop with teachers. Peace pillar at the museum.
·           Will restore the Time Travel group. Continue with Tin Town Time Travels, grade 11
·           Continue Betania mission Time Travels and develop Nyandezulu train station
·           Continue Time Travels at the Old Prison, maybe 10 Time Travels next year
·           Msunduzi/ Voortrekker museum wants to develop Time Travels.
Firstly: A Time Travel at the church of vow 1912. Was suggested a one-day workshop in March 2013 on the scenario for such a Time Travel, with the perspective of the local community in the early 1900s. Key Questions on identity, power/ powerless but also the national view with the South African union, ANC and NP. Also invite the other two national museums in KZN for the workshop: Natal museum and Luthuli museum.
Secondly: develop a Time Travel at Blood River including both Ncome and Blood River museums, as a part of the reconciliation process
Thirdly: Support the Old Prison Time Travels
They will check for possible support for Kalmar läns museum
Port Shepstone
·           Continue Port Shepstone railway station and Port Shepstone harbor Time Travels

·           KZN Museum Service drives and supports Time Travels, has the coordinator and wants to implement the Time Travel concept in all the 42 museums that will be part of the KZN Museum organization

·           Mphophomeni museum  expressed interest in developing Time Travels

KZN board meeting
·           Trinity was elected as the new chair person, Bhekani is still deputy chair person, other members are Mdu, Shinga, Qaphela, Mti, Gulshera, Judy, Sipho, Thuli, Zameka and Dolly.
All Time Travel groups will submit a written plan for the Time Travels and trainings the following 6-12 months and submit at the next board meeting 31 January 2013.
Was suggested a workshop 31 January on registration of heritage sites
Trinity will connect with Louis on the KZN part of the BA SA website
Gulshera and Trinity will work on the constitution for BA KZN.
Trinity will administrate translation and printing of the Zulu version of “This Place has meaning” and also a reprint of the English version. It has to be finished before 15 December.

·           Gulshera, Judy and Bekhani will meet with the MEC of Education 22 October

11 October 2012
Helen Eklund, Annette Kronlund, Emma Angelin-Holmén and Ebbe Westergren
Kalmar läns museum/ Bridging Ages